Are you pregnant or planning to get pregnant? Then knowing about your medications is essential. During pregnancy, certain medications can affect the fetus and cause harm. Pregnancy is a special physiological condition where you cannot fully avoid the medication. During pregnancy, you may develop...
Heartburn is when you feel burning like sensation in the chest. The unpleasant sensation can go up your neck. Heartburn is also known as indigestion or acid reflux. It is very common in pregnancy. Although this is named as “heartburn,” it has nothing to...
Pregnancy diet is extremely important. Being pregnant is certainly is blissful. For your baby’s good health and growth, you must follow a healthy diet. You may have a lot of questions regarding your pregnancy diet. This article certainly answers your queries. Why a proper...
A goodnights sleep is a must for you during your pregnancy. With physical and hormone changes, anxiety, and excitement for your baby can lead to sleep problems. Study shows that around 50% of expecting mothers suffer from insomnia. Why your sleep pattern changes during...
Right after your pregnancy is confirmed, you realize that you have a lot to do. You require plenty of things as you progress through your pregnancy. Pregnancy and post delivery shopping is very important. As the happiness and excitement of the initial stages of...