
OvenYr Ovulation

What is Ovulation?

Ovulation is a process in which your ovaries release eggs once very month. It waits in the fallopian tube for conception. It occurs on the 14th days prior to your next menstrual cycle. Most women have a menstrual cycle of 28 days. Irregular periods make your menstrual cycle shorter or longer than normal.


How to track your Ovulation?

There are many tracking methods available online. However, these are only helpful if your period is regular. If you have irregular periods, tracking when your ovaries are releasing eggs, is a little difficult. Follow the tips to track your approximate ovulation day


Signs of Ovulation


Monitor your basal body temperature

You can get a thermometer to measure your basal body temperature. Measure your temperature daily before getting out of bed. You will notice the pattern of the temperature. You will notice the temperature dips just before you ovulate. Your most fertile period is 2-3 days prior to the rise of temperature.


Vaginal Secretion

Notice your vaginal secretion. Often the secretion is clear and stretchy. But after you ovulate it becomes thick, scanty and cloudy.


Ovulation Kit

However, if you want to know the exact date when your ovaries release eggs, get an ovulation kit. You can test your urine to check for the rise of hormone levels. Generally. After 36 hours of positive test the ovaries release eggs.

If you are trying to get pregnant, have intercourse more often. It is good to have intercourse every day or every alternate day. You must have intercourse five days prior to your fertile day and on the day when you ovulate.


Ovulation Disorder

Some women don’t ovulate, but they can have menstrual cycle. These are called anovulatory cycles. There are other reasons as well that may trouble your process of egg release.


Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS)

If you have PCOS, you may experience ovulation disorder. The PCOS release hormones which may affect ovulation.


Hypothalamic Dysfunction

Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and luteinizing hormones (LH) are responsible for releasing eggs from ovaries.  Weight gain or loss, excessive stress can affect the production of these hormones. This may cause ovulation disorder.


Primary Ovarian Insufficiency

Due to some genetic deficiency or if you undergo chemotherapy, your ovaries may stop producing eggs. This premature loss of eggs from your ovaries prevents ovulation.

Follow OvenYr for more information on ovulation. Book your Tele Appointment to consult the doctor.