The period of 6 weeks right after delivery is known as the Postpartum or Postnatal phase. During this time your body prepares to return to its Pre-Pregnancy phase. Your Oven or Uterus shrinks and hormones fluctuates. The Postpartum or Postnatal is the most important phase of the Oven year. During this phase you need to strike the right balance between taking care of your physical and mental health along with the baby.
The responsibility is huge. Let’s begin with what are key areas to focus on during the Postpartum phase.
- Breastfeeding
- Perineal Care
- Physical and Mental Health
Breast feeding
It is a natural way to provide the essential nutrition to your baby during their first 6 months. You must make every effort to bond with your baby. Mother’s milk is the best source for immunoglobulin that improves the baby’s immunity. Breast feeding is the most important aspect of Postnatal care.
Here are few things you must know while you are breastfeeding
- Wash your nipples only with plain water. Do not use soap or shampoo on your nipples.
- After feeding, leave few drops of milk on your nipples to prevent nipple cracks. Cracked nipples may lead to infections.
- If you have sore or cracked nipples, use emollient creams. However, consult your doctor before applying any cream or ointment.
- Contact your doctor immediately if you have fever, breast engorgement where your breast become painfully heavy with milk. These may be signs of infections that are common during the postnatal phase.
Perineal care
It involves cleaning the private areas and areas where you had sutures. These areas are highly prone to infection depending on the types of birth you had
- Natural Birth
- Caesarean known as C-section
What are Natural and Caesarean or C-Section Birth?
Natural Birth refers to the vaginal labor and delivery with limited to no medical intervention. There is a chance that you may have perineal tears that are sutured. In this case you may need to take extra care to prevent any infection. You must clean and wash the perineum regularly with warm water. If you have any foul-smelling discharge or fever, consult your doctor immediately. To minimize pain, you may take sitz baths. You can also apply ice packs but not more than 10 minutes in every 4 hours. If you are already back at work and need sitting for long hours; sit on a donut shaped pillow. They provide you extra comfort and relieve you from the pain.
C-sections refer to the delivery of the baby through an incision or cut in the mother’s abdomen. This is often done to avoid risk for the baby or mother. Since there are sutures too, similar care like the natural birth should be taken to prevent any infections. You need to ensure you clean and dry the wound every day and wear loose, comfortable clothing.
Mental and Physical Health
It is the most important aspect of the Postnatal phase. You need to do regular exercises, eat healthy and sleep well. Try to sleep when your baby sleeps, even if it is for short intervals.
Postnatal or postpartum depression is very common among new mothers. The raging hormones, crying baby and sleepless nights can make you feel frustrated. Don’t hesitate to ask for help from your family.
Postnatal depression often subsides within few minutes. But if it prevails for hours, you must consult a doctor before it leads to serious mental issues.
Pregnant Again- Postnatal Precautions
During your postnatal phase, it is very difficult to understand when you are ovulating as you have irregular menstrual cycle. The chances of getting pregnant again is higher at this stage. Consult your doctor and take contraceptive precautions if you are not planning for another OvenYr Journey.
For more resources on postnatal and postpartum care, visit OvenYr.com